Meet Pedro

Meet Pedro

Where are you from?

Fairfield, CT

What made you want to come to Notre Dame?

When I did my shadow day, everyone was really connected. Everyone knew each other.

What activities are you involved in?

I played basketball freshman and sophomore year. Last year, I participated in the musical. I’m also involved with Mr. Cip’s SEL team, clubs like Campus Ministry and Peace by Justice, and I’m the sophomore class president.

What is your favorite class?

My favorite class is Intro to Graphic Design because Mr. Manzo is a really dynamic guy. It’s a great class and next year, I’m going to be taking his advanced graphics class with a lot of seniors. I know I will learn skills I can use in my career.

What has been your most memorable experience at Notre Dame?

My most memorable experience is a tie between basketball and student council. Student council was the first time I won something by campaigning. It taught me a lot about politics and debate.

What do you love most about Notre Dame?

I love how the school is like a giant unit. Everyone is connected, everyone knows each other, everyone likes each other. There’s no hatred here.

What has been your favorite service project?

Making a cookbook in Spanish class and bringing in goods for the Mercy Center were my two favorite projects so far. It felt bigger than myself and I was actually doing something that would have an impact. I was able to put in effort and see it into fruition.